How to build a Scalable, Real-time Digital Twin without a proprietary software stack

Digital Bot Lab
6 min readJul 31, 2023


How to build a Scalable, Real-time, Digital twin without a proprietary software stack

Are you ready to revolutionize your business with cutting-edge digital twin technology, but worried about the complexities and costs of building from scratch? Or trying to decide which vendor or platform to use?

Look no further! Digital Bot Lab is here to supercharge your digital twin journey with our expert consulting, professional services, and development expertise.

We don’t reinvent the wheel — we leverage the prowess of existing technologies like Microsoft Azure, Azure IoT Hub/Central, Azure Digital Twins, NVIDIA Omniverse, and Unity.

Our pre-built plugins and SDKs seamlessly integrate with these world-class platforms, giving you the ultimate head start!‍

Building Digital Twins at Scale

Digital twins allow you to visualize real-world things in a 3D scene. They can help you understand how something works or might change over time. One of the challenges with building a digital twin is doing it at scale.

Small prototypes that use a single device and map to a single feature in your scene are trivial to build, but trying to build the same thing at scale can be quite challenging. How can you have 100s of sensors reporting data at the same time? What about 1000s or devices? Just like web traffic, at some point handling scale becomes a critical need.

Building digital twins at scale can be a complex task that requires careful planning, robust infrastructure, and advanced technologies. A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical object, process, or system, and creating them at scale involves replicating numerous entities simultaneously. Here are some key steps and considerations for building digital twins at scale:‍

Define the Scope:

Clearly define the scope of your digital twin project. Determine what physical objects, processes, or systems you want to create digital twins for and what specific aspects you aim to model.

Data Collection and Integration:

Digital twins rely on data from sensors, IoT devices, historical records, and other sources. Ensure you have a robust data collection strategy in place to gather relevant information from all necessary sources. Data integration can be challenging at scale, so consider using data integration platforms and APIs to streamline the process.

Scalable Infrastructure:

Building digital twins at scale requires a powerful and scalable infrastructure. Cloud-based solutions are often preferred, as they can easily adapt to changing demands and offer cost-effective scalability. Make sure your infrastructure can handle the increasing amount of data and computational requirements as your digital twin project grows.

Real-time Data Processing:

To ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of digital twins, real-time data processing is essential. Utilize advanced data processing and analytics tools to handle large volumes of data quickly and efficiently.

Model and Simulation:

Develop accurate and detailed models for each digital twin. Depending on the complexity of the objects or processes you’re modeling, this may involve using various simulation techniques, machine learning algorithms, or physics-based modeling.

Interoperability and Standards:

Ensure that your digital twin platform follows interoperability standards to facilitate seamless data exchange and integration with other systems. This will enable better collaboration and data sharing across different teams or departments.

Visualization and User Interface:

Design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for interacting with digital twins. Visualization plays a crucial role in understanding the data and insights provided by the digital twin. This is why we chose to integrate with NVIDIA Omniverse, a world-class visualization tool.

Security and Privacy:

Since digital twins involve sensitive data about physical assets and processes, security and privacy are paramount. Implement robust security measures to protect the data and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization:

Continuously monitor the performance of your digital twins and identify areas for improvement. Implement optimization techniques to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the digital twin models.

Collaboration and Governance:

Establish clear governance and collaboration protocols for managing digital twins at scale. Define roles and responsibilities for various stakeholders involved in the project.

Integration with Decision-Making Processes:

Integrate digital twins into your organization’s decision-making processes. Use the insights provided by digital twins to make data-driven decisions that improve operational efficiency and performance.

Continuous Improvement:

Digital twins are not static models but dynamic representations of real-world entities. Regularly update and improve the digital twin models based on new data and insights to ensure their accuracy and relevance.

By following these steps and considerations, you can successfully build and manage digital twins at scale, unlocking valuable insights and opportunities for optimization and innovation in your organization.

It’s too early to get vendor lock-in!

Digital Twins are new, and the software you use to build them is too. New companies are trying to compete in the space and many of them are developing custom software stacks.

But how do you choose one? Which vendor should you use? Will you make the right choice this early in the game? Digital Bot Lab simplifies this choice, by building on top of existing giants.

We use leading technologies from companies like Microsoft and Nvidia which offers your company several advantages. Here are some key benefits of leveraging established technologies:

Expertise and Specialization:

Companies like Microsoft and Nvidia are technology leaders with decades of experience and expertise in their respective fields. They have teams of highly skilled professionals working on research, development, and optimization of their technologies. Trying to replicate this level of expertise in-house can be time-consuming and expensive.

Robust and Proven Solutions:

Leading technology providers have extensively tested and refined their products, ensuring they are robust and reliable. These solutions are often used by numerous organizations worldwide, making them more dependable than newly developed, untested systems.

Faster Time to Market:

By adopting existing technologies, you can significantly reduce the time it takes to develop your digital twin or any other solution. You can build upon pre-existing frameworks, APIs, and libraries, saving valuable development time.

Integration Capabilities:

Leading technologies are designed to integrate with various platforms and systems seamlessly. This interoperability allows you to connect your digital twin with other applications, data sources, or cloud services, enabling a more comprehensive and connected ecosystem.

Performance and Scalability:

Established technologies are designed to handle large-scale operations efficiently. They are optimized to run on powerful hardware and can handle massive amounts of data, making them well-suited for building digital twins at scale.

Continuous Updates and Support:

Technology providers like Microsoft and Nvidia regularly release updates, improvements, and security patches for their products. By using their technologies, you can benefit from ongoing support and advancements without having to bear the entire burden of maintenance and updates.


Developing everything from scratch requires significant investments in research, development, and testing. Using established technologies can be more cost-effective, especially for smaller organizations that may not have the resources to build complex systems from the ground up.

Ecosystem and Community:

Leading technology providers often have vibrant communities, forums, and documentation to support developers and users. Being part of such an ecosystem can provide access to a wealth of resources, knowledge, and best practices.

Interoperability with Industry Standards:

Many established technologies adhere to industry standards, making it easier to collaborate with other organizations and leverage existing tools and processes.


Companies like Microsoft and Nvidia invest heavily in research and development, staying at the forefront of technology trends. By adopting their solutions, you can future-proof your digital twin against rapid technological advancements.

Build a Custom Solution without a Proprietary Software Stack!

While leveraging leading technologies has numerous advantages, it’s essential to carefully assess the specific needs and requirements of your digital twin project. Sometimes, a hybrid approach that combines existing technologies with custom-built components may provide the best balance between performance, scalability, and customization for your unique use case.

Accelerate your development process, tap into unparalleled scalability, and future-proof your digital twins with ease.

Our expert guidance will help you harness the full potential of these powerful tools while customizing solutions that perfectly fit your unique business needs.

Say goodbye to steep development costs and tedious integrations. With Digital Bot Lab, you can focus on what truly matters — leveraging your core competencies to drive success.

Join the digital twin revolution today and take the plunge into a world of unlimited possibilities! Partner with Digital Bot Lab, and together, we’ll build some amazing Digital Twins!‍

Contact us now and embrace the future with confidence!

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Simulated Realities: Enhancing Decision-Making for a Better Future